Friday, March 26, 2010

What is YOUR philosophy in the quest of organization, access, and retrieval of information as it relates to data storage and retrieval?

I believe that all of us who create information in whatever format are responsible for the organization of that creation if we want others to be able to access it, use it or learn from it. An singer who creates music in the bathroom of an empty house has created information but influences no other lives with that creation if it is not recorded (documented), managed (cataloged) and shared. If it is recorded and managed by the artist or an entity representing that artist, then it must cataloged or tagged in such a way that a fan can locate it whether it is on a commercial music site, a blog or linked from a social networking site.

How does this interconnect with web services?

Many web services are search tools,or incorporate search tools within the site or are services that organize reference content by maintaining databases of published online information. Users have access to this information through an ever increasing array of hardware and applications.

How can users be assured that results of searches and searching of available materials is an accurate reflection?

I believe that all of us are responsible for critiquing the information that we receive. We are taught from earliest childhood to not believe everything we read, to question resources, and to search for different viewpoints, In the age of technology, that training is even more important as there is no assurance that the advice or information we seek comes from someone who actually knows. The human mind and its ability to compare bits of data turning it into information and finally knowledge has yet to be replaced. We must make our own judgments about  the accuracy and completeness of the information that we seek.

As an information professional what responsibilities are there associated from your perspective?

As an information professional it seems to me that the creation of a system to organize information is the place to start. Guidelines must ultimately be written and dispersed so that those who have a hand in managing the information will be consistent allowing users to learn the structure of organized information and not have to relearn that structure each time information is sought. Our patrons may experience this kind of confusion if they are forced to search in a system other than the one to which they are accustomed. You may have experienced this phenomena yourself.

Where does the responsibility lie for accurate organization and development of files?

We have all gone to the web looking for information. Oftentimes we find exactly what we are looking for and that's good. But have you ever asked how it got there (on the web) and who is being held responsible for the accuracy of the information that you find? Some sources are easy. A business that hopes to generate income from the information is likely to be as accurate as possible or the word will get around that the information is bad, the site not trustworthy. We expect those businesses to use common keywords and make searching as easy as possible. We expect the perpetrator or creator to take that responsibility for accuracy and organization.

What is the expectation if we are not talking about the Internet? At the other end of the answer to the question above is our personal document management and the development or lack thereof of a file management system.

Somewhere in the middle are things like organizational databases like library catalogs, sale catalogs, gradebooks and student information. The responsibility for effective management of such information begins with the creator but spreads to others very quickly.

A Library School Assignment

All of you should know by now that I am going to school at OU working on a Masters degree in Library Science. I am using the WWE blog to complete an assignment responding to the following questions,
  • "Where does the responsibility lie for accurate organization and development of files? 
  • As information professional what responsibilities are there associated from your perspective? 
  • How can users be assured that results of searches and searching of available materials is an accurate reflection?
  • What is YOUR philosophy in the quest of organization, access, and retrieval of information as it relates to data storage and retrieval?
  • How does this interconnect with web services?"
I hope to answer them one by one. Please feel free to comment

    Friday, March 12, 2010

    Baby Shower for Jenny's son, Paul

    My Sunday School is giving my son Paul and his wife Olivia a baby (it’s a boy)shower. We have invited Paul and Olivias friends and some other church members.
    Please feel free to come if you wish and meet my wonderful daughter-in-law.  The best thing is that she also thinks that I am a pretty good mother-in-law. I am looking forward to being a great granny!!
     Paul will come toward the end.  I know he would love to see Susan, Maryanne, Mary, Judith and Ellen again.
      Come and Go Baby Shower
       April 3, 2010
       10:00 to 10:30
      St. Stepens United Methodist Church
       1800 W Brooks
     We will have one game: Matching baby pictures to the attendees. Bring a baby picture if you wish. 
     She is 'registered' at  Olivia  Stenis . Not much there. A friends daughter recently gave her a lot of boy 0-6 month clothes, hardly used. She has to climb two sets of stair to get to the basement laundry. Disposables might be good for a few weeks anyway.  
     Thanks for allowing the commercial :]
     I will be in Portland on the 26th. Have a great time.

    March Meeting

    March 26 at Mary's house. 7:00 pm and you know what to bring. :)